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We Deliver The Perfect Coffee Every Time | Insomnia Coffee Company
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The Insomnia WayThe Insomnia Way

The Insomnia Way

We’re genuine and fun lovin’ with a fresh approach to enjoying the little moments in life.

Our strength lies not only in the quality of the coffee and food we serve, but also in the experience our customers have with us when they visit. We are a destination for everyone who loves great coffee, without the fuss and we live to make every visit to our stores a fun one.

We promise that you will get the best cup of coffee every single time you visit.

To deliver on this, quality is at the core of our philosophy - from the Fairtrade coffee we serve, to the handcrafted technique we use to make every single cup. The food you enjoy in Insomnia has also been specially selected from local producers. So you can enjoy the same level of quality, no matter what.

Change is good and we like to see the word ‘new’ in our stores regularly. Whether that’s new flavours, new technologies or new stores, we are always looking for new ways to surprise and delight.

We have an appetite for innovation and are always seeking new opportunities and ways of doing things differently.

Our philosophy on customer service is very simple:

That's what we're all about! When you pop in for your morning coffee or your afternoon pick me up, we want you to feel at home.

Our team are always on hand to make your day better – whether that’s remembering your daily order, or getting your lunch order ready quickly on a busy day. If there is something you’re not happy with – tell us!

Our world is better when our customers are happy ones!

Our People

Our promise is that you will get the best cup of coffee, in whichever format you choose, every time you visit our stores. To keep this promise, there are 50 hours of barista training behind every cup of coffee we serve. Quality and customer service are key elements to our philosophy, and each one of our baristas deliver this with their skill, personality and passion for coffee.

Our expertly trained baristas and engineers are the geniuses behind our coffee; it’s their continuous inspections of the coffee machine, temperature, crema, colour and taste, which always delivers the best cup of coffee.

Click here to view our career's page and join our team! 

To view our Gender Pay Gap Report, click here.

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Insomnia Fairtrade Projects | Insomnia Coffee Company
  • Insomnia Fairtrade Project 2021
  • Insomnia Fairtrade Projects
  • Insomnia Fairtrade Projects
  • Insomnia Fairtrade Projects

Insomnia Fairtrade ProjectsInsomnia Fairtrade Projects

Insomnia Fairtrade Projects

This year we're celebrating 17 years of having 100% Fairtrade Coffee!

Our Community Projects

Every year, since 2009, we have taken part in Fairtrade Fortnight, where a percentage from each hot beverage sold is donated to our nominated Insomnia Community projects. To date we have raised over €210,000 for these nominated community projects.  

FAIRTRADE Fortnight 2023

This year we raised an incredible €20,295 which will go directly to our nominated project in the COCAOL, Honduras to provide equipment to create a sustainable and environmental friendly business for honey production and ultimately empower the coffee producers in the COCAOL Co-op.

COCAOL Co-op, Honduras

The coffee cooperative of Olancho Limited (COCAOL) was established on November 15th, 1968, at the initiative of a group of coffee producers in order to access better conditions of productive infrastructure, better marketing channels and access to financial sources.

COCAOL obtained legal status on May 23, 1969, benefiting its associates with a range of services such as coffee drying and transportation and organic agricultural. It also made efforts to train its associates in various issues related to coffee farming and cooperativism.

The coffee farms of the cooperative are located in the Sierra de Agalta National Park at altitudes of 1000 to 1500 meters above sea level under natural shade primary forests and includes 55 men and 30 women.

The amount raised will contribute to:

  • Providing equipment to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly business for honey production
  • Diversify sources of income for male and female coffee farmers
  • Environmental protection through the production of honey by breeding and keeping bees

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

Last year we raised an incredible €20,145 which went directly to our nominated project in the Unen Choit Co-op in Papua New Guinea to provide technology to improve farming and a solar solution package for energy.

The amount raised during these two weeks provided:

  • Providing technology to control humidity and moisture to improve the coffee quality
  • Improving the coffee production by providing a solar solution package for energy & communications
  • Creating a remote coffee training programme to upskill the coffee producers

Unen Choit Cooperative

Located in a remote coastal region of Papua New Guinea, the Unen Choit Co-op, has achieved the Fairtrade certification in 2016 and has been able to establish a supply chain to bring coffee to market – which is a major accomplishment for the cooperative considering there’s only two ways to reach the villages (plane over the mountains or a 7-hour boat ride).

Today, the Unen Choit is made up of 1750 smallholders and invests their Fairtrade Premium in a range of projects that benefit the local community, as well as helping to assist its farmers. The Fairtrade Premium earnings have allowed Unen Choit to enhance quality and productivity, improve business capacity and empower women.

The funds raised during this Fairtrade Fortnight helped the Unen Choit Co-op coffee farmers to improve their coffee production knowledge - which ultimately will improve business capacity and empower the community.


During 2021 Fairtrade Fortnight we’ve supported the producers of our Voyager Coffee – The COCAFCAL Co-op in Honduras. In 2021 we raised an incredible €20,095 which went directly to our nominated project in the COCAFCAL Co-op to promote leadership and Youth entrepreneurship. 

2021 - the results of our project

The funds raised during 2021 for the Leadership and Youth Entrepreneurship project in COCAFCAL allowed the purchase of equipment and materials to run a training course focused on the development of skills required by the young people of the communities surrounding Capucas.

The first stage of the workshop “Starting my Company" was held during 2021, allowing the young to acquire basic technical knowledge on the creation and management of a company that is sustainable in its operations, sustainable in the market and feasible in its finances (generating profits after paying its operating costs and expenses), so that each participant can then apply it in real practice in their own company.

The 2021 Fairtrade project funds were also used to develop other coffee products (such as Sweet sauces, Isotonic drinks, Ice Cream) which will increase the opportunities for knowledge and involvement of young people in tasks aimed at maximizing the opportunities of the resources offered by coffee growing.

In addition, during 2022, the funds will also support the development of a generational changeover project through the creation of a virtual platform for training in barista skills and cupping, reaching more young coffee growers, motivating them to learn about the production process and quality control, generating employment opportunities and business ideas and promoting the technological and productive competitiveness of the coffee sector.

The 2021 Fairtrade Project achieved amazing results, thanks to our customers, who’ve contributed to...

developing a more sustainable community by providing the COCAFCAL families with knowledge and development options from their community, without having to migrate to other territories.

This contributes to stability and progress in the area.

Project Objectives

  • Providing accredited diploma programmes in leadership and business management.
  • Training future coffee producers of the cooperative and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Supporting the development and sustainable growth of small enterprises in the community.

Take a closer look at the COCAFCAL farm and the 2021 Insomnia Community project:

COCAFCAL Cooperative

The Cooperativa Cafetalera Capucas Limitada, commonly known as COCAFCAL or simply, Capucas, was founded by Omar Rodríguez Interiano in 1999 in Las Capucas, western Honduras.
Once an established coffee producer, Rodríguez decided to share his knowledge with other coffee growers in the region, forming the cooperative.
Today, the organization is made up of 359 small-scale coffee producers, of which 18% are women.
Widely known in the coffee industry, COCAFCAL works to promote sustainable development and support the local economy. As a part of their mission, the organization aims to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in rural communities throughout the region.



In 2020, we raised an amazing €25,000 during Fairtrade Fortnight, all funds raised went directly to the ACODIHUE (Asociacion de Cooperacion al Desarrollo Integral de Huehuetenango) Cooperative in Guatemala with the aim of Empowering and Advancing Women within the Coffee Industry.

With the specific financing raised by Insomnia, advance payments for coffee were provided to women who delivered 125 tonnes of coffee exported as micro lots that were paid at an average of $1950 per tonne to each producer, well above the average NY stock market price of USD $1200 per tonne.

The money raised with the Insomnia Fairtrade Project 2020 assisted the women to obtain this better than average price and also eliminated the need for expensive borrowing. The women's coffee from the Awal Nan Women Producers Network Association is marketed in the United States and in Europe, so that ACODIHUE, with help from Insomnia and our customers, assists the women to obtain a decent income for the well-being of their families.

Project Objectives

  • Financial independence for the women of the ACODIHUE cooperative in Guatemala
  • Technical training to ensure higher levels of productivity on the farms
  • Improved management processes for coffee cultivation

ACODIHUE Cooperative

ACODIHUE was founded in 1996 in the city of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The mission of ACODIHUE is to contribute to the sustainable social economic development of partner organisations and the local population through the provision of services, the promotion of value chains and entrepreneurship. It was one of the first organisations to promote coffee grown by its members under the label of “Café a Manos de Mujer” (“Coffee Made by Women”). The initiative has been successful and the coffee of ACODIHUE is already recognised in the international market. However, the women now want to use better production in the planting of the crop to increase productivity without jeopardising the quality of the coffee produced.


In 2009, we worked directly with the producers of our hugely popular Voyager Coffee, the Manizales Coffee Cooperative. 5 cents was donated from every Hot Beverage sold during Fairtrade Fortnight, February 25th to March 10th 2019. The total amount raised was €21,650. 


  • Provide eco-efficient cookers and kitchens to families and improve coffee quality conditions at farm level.
  • Improve health and living conditions of cooperative members and their families
  • Aid environmental protection; resulting in a reduction in the demand for wood to a sustainable level
  • Empower women at farm level

Manizales Coffee Cooperative

The cooperative produce our Voyager Medium Roast which provides a sweeter taste, it is balanced with both acidity and sugar and has notes of dark chocolate, malt, red fruit and a little squeeze of grapefruit.  We recommend that it is served as a Flat White or tall sized coffee.   

The Manizales Coffee Growers' Cooperative was founded on 22 August 1960 with the aim of providing coffee producers fair prices, cash payment and fair weight when buying and selling coffee. Today, with 59 years of experience, the cooperative ensures the collective interests of its members by providing commercial and social programmes and services to improve the quality of life of farmers and their families. The social programmes include pensions, an education programme, health services and funeral grants.


In 2018, we raised €15,210 which went directly to our nominated project of the ASOBAGRI Coffee Cooperative, in Guatemala, with the aim to empower Women within the coffee industry in Latin America.


  • Improve market access for coffee produced by the female members of the ASOBAGRI Coffee Cooperative
  • Promote the participation of women in the cooperative activities
  • Develop a coffee retail outlet for ASOBAGRI
  • Brand identity development for two coffee profiles produced by women

ASOBAGRI Coffee Cooperative

ASOBAGRI has 278 indigenous women members involved in the production of Fairtrade coffee. The cooperative has been prioritising the inclusion of Women in the association governing bodies and in the decision-making processes, to rule out decisions in favour of gender equality in local organizations like municipalities, associations, financial and companies in Guatemala.

Women in ASOBAGRI have a certification for the coffee they produced - “Coffee in Women’s hands”, which allows them to sell in special market niches.  This is an achievement for ASOBAGRI and for the women who have been fighting discrimination and impartiality in Guatemala.


In 2017 Insomnia's Fairtrade Community Project raised over €14,305 through Fairtrade Fortnight and 100% of this money went directly to the ACPC Pichanaki Coffee Cooperative (CAC PICHANAKI ACPC), in Peru.

The project contributed to the construction of a Youth Centre for young members and the children of members and workers involved in production of Fairtrade certified coffee in Peru. 

The young members of the Fairtrade certified coffee cooperatives in the Junin region can now use the Youth Centre facilities to hold social and cultural activities, including:

  • Training of young coffee growers in the Junin regions, with a view to include youth in the coffee business;
  • Develop events and courses in technical training and business management for young members of the coffee organisations;
  • Develop cultural events for youth.

ACPC Pichanaki Agrarian Coffee Cooperative

ACPC Pichanaki Agrarian Coffee Cooperative is an organisation of 302 coffee producers (64 women and 238 men). Founded 15 years ago, it became Fairtrade certified in 2009 and now sells its coffee to Canada, the US and throughout Europe, continually improving its quality and sustainability. As part of its effort to ensure its future, the cooperative believes that it is essential to involve its young members and the children of its members, encouraging their commitment to the organisation. To this end, this youth centre will improve and professionalise the training of its members in tasks such as pruning, seed management, pest and disease assessment, waste water management, quality control, coffee roasting, barista training and business management.

The immediate beneficiaries are the 100 young coffee farmers and children of members and workers in ACPC Pichanaki coffee cooperative and 10 other small coffee cooperatives in the Junin region.


The funds raised during Fairtrade Fortnight from 2014 to 2016, have gone directly to the construction of a student Infirmary and Dispensary for the Hekima Girls School in Bukoba, Tanzania, our nominated Fairtrade project.

The objective for this project, which started back in February 2014, and raised over €37,182, was to take care of student’s health, ease the school nurses burden of commuting to and from hospitals, while also greatly reduce involving healthy students in nursing the sick and therefore ultimately promote students’ academic performance.

Hekima Girls School Background

The Hekima Girls School is located in the rural village Kashozi, 12 km NW of Bukoba town. The school was primarily set-up to rescue young women by providing them with quality education especially those from poor economic backgrounds who would otherwise be faced with hostile cultural, economic, academic and social injustices.

One of the most pressing challenges is looking after students health, on average, 20 students are treated for Malaria each week, needing bed rest of 2 to 3 days. The new Infirmary can house 10 students, 1 nurse’s bedroom, a small simple kitchen and dining room, a pharmacy, a laboratory and examination room. The infirmary helps combat Malaria and other diseases, minimize the possibility of students being infected with other illnesses by patients outside the school and providing the school nurse ample time and space to take care of all the sick students so healthy students can  concentrate on their studies.

Here's some milestones that lead to the successfull conclusion of this project:


  • January: Project Gets the Green Light
  • February: Fairtrade Fortnight raises €11,648 for this project
  • November: Begin the initial stages of the build


  • January: Foundation construction work beings
  • February: Fairtrade Fortnight Raises €12,031 to continue this project
  • March: The foundation excavation, concrete, wall, beam and backfilling are all nearing completion
  • July: Finishing work has started with floor concrete already laid; and plastering and ceiling work ongoing


  • January: The build is complete and the Infirmary starts to provide medical services to students
  • FebruaryFairtrade Fortnight Raised €13,503 to ensuring the newly built Infirmary and Dispensary had all the required equipment (medical supplies, blankets and bed sheets) needed to effectively take care of student's health

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The Insomnia Coffee Story | Insomnia Coffee Company
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The Insomnia Coffee StoryThe Insomnia Coffee Story

The Insomnia Coffee Story Our Story

We truly believe in great coffee and our promise is to deliver the best cup of coffee to each customer every single time they visit. We're passionate about every detail, from our specially selected Fairtrade beans to our skillfully trained baristas, to our dedication in doing our bit to helping the environment. This is our story.

The Insomnia Blend

We launched our 100% Fairtrade coffee in 2006. We have travelled far and wide to meet the co-ops and farmers who grow our coffee. For us it’s essential to know our farmers, for them to know us and to create a long lasting relationship together.

The Insomnia Blend is a unique recipe, blended just for us, the speciality grade beans are sourced from Colombia, Brazil, Sumatra and Vietnam.

  • Colombian Bean: Medium body, subtle citric top notes, clean finish.
  • Brazilian Bean: Big body, chocolate malt & nutty notes, lasting finish.
  • Vietnamese Bean: Medium body, chocolate notes with hint of apple acidity, long & rich finish.
  • Sumatran Bean: Creamy body, toasted sugar & smoky chocolate notes

Our unique blend of Fairtrade premium coffee beans is specially roasted for us weekly. The shorter the time between roasting and serving, the fresher, smoother and fuller flavoured the taste.

Tasting Note:

“Syrupy, smooth body with liquorice note and aromas of cherry. Through milk notes of cocoa powder with a clean, round creamy finish.”

The Perfect Extraction for Espresso, the base for most of our coffees: 14 grams of Coffee, 25 seconds, 95°C and 50ml of specially filtered water.

Our Baristas

Our promise is that you will get the best cup of coffee, in whichever format you choose, every time you visit our stores. To keep this promise, we have our baristas – who go through three levels of training. There is 50 hours of barista training behind every cup of coffee we serve. Quality and customer service are key elements to our philosophy, and each one of our baristas deliver this with their skill, personality and passion for coffee.

Our expertly trained baristas and engineers are the geniuses behind our coffee; it’s their continuous inspections of the coffee machine, temperature, crema, colour and taste, which always delivers the best cup of coffee.

Fairtrade Coffee

Fairtrade is a global movement that seeks to make trade fairer through connecting small farmers and consumers. When companies sell on Fairtrade terms, they act as a link between two ends of the value chain. Thus helping producers in developing countries receive a better price for their products by requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, which cannot fall lower than market price.

Insomnia Coffee Company has been Fairtrade certified since 2006 and has served 100% Fairtrade coffee since then.

Each year we sell over 30 million Fairtrade cups of coffee. With the steady and fair business generated by Insomnia Coffee, farmers and workers, from who we source our products, are enabled to improve their working and living conditions. Moreover, Fairtrade encourages environmental protection. Fairtrade standards help small farmers make environmental protection an integral part of their farm management, including reducing pollution, limiting the use of harmful chemicals and finding organic alternatives.

Our coffee is a balanced blend sourced from Colombia, Brazil, Sumatra and Vietnam.  Each time you enjoy our coffee you are helping to make poverty history for many people in these countries. Fairtrade certification means that co-operatives get a fair price for their beans, thus allowing them to invest in better salaries, equipment and social projects. Farmers are guaranteed to receive at least the Fairtrade Price for their coffee which aims to cover their costs of production and act as a safety net when market prices fall below a sustainable level. This Minimum Price also rises with world market prices.

To read more on our Fairtrade projects over the years click HERE.

Going Green

Insomnia Coffee Company believe businesses can – and should – have a positive impact on the communities they serve. We’ve been committed to being responsible and doing things which are good for the planet and each other ever since we opened our first store in 1997.


It’s a big challenge, but we’re making progress to reduce the impact of waste in our stores.

We encourage our customers to pick up an Insomnia KeepCup, these reusable takeaway cups come in 12oz or 16oz sizes and when you bring yours into any of our participating stores, you will be rewarded with 20cent extra ‘Treats Credit’ to your Insomnia Treats account. This we hope will incentivise our customers to re-use their KeepCups, thus saving on the amount of disposable takeaway cups used. 


Did you know you can pick up bags of used coffee grounds at your local Insomnia? Well now you do!

Using coffee grounds on plants and in gardens is sustainable and beneficial. There are three ways you can use coffee grounds on your plants: as fertilizer, for composting and to control pests. Another great benefit is that the grounds are not added into landfill, so we achieve two benefits with one single action: helping you nurture your soil and protecting our environment.

It’s great to know that our grounds can be put to such good use after you enjoyed your favourite coffee and we are happy to supply them to our customers for their gardening!

Pick up a free coffee ground bag in any of our stores. 

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Insomnia Coffee Cookie Policy | Insomnia Coffee Company

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Cookie Policy We use cookies

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Insomnia Coffee Fairtrade | Insomnia Coffee Company



Insomnia Coffee has been serving 100% Fairtrade Coffee certified since 2006 - this year we are celebrating 17 years of having 100% Fairtrade Coffee!

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and is based on a partnership between some of the most disadvantaged farmers and workers in the developing world and the people who buy their products. It is designed to help producers in developing countries receive a better price for their products by requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, which cannot fall lower than market price.

Fairtrade Minimum Price 

For most Fairtrade products there is a minimum price that will cover the cost of sustainable production. If the market price rises above the minimum price set, famers and workers will receive the market price. FLO-Cert regularly check and audit companies to ensure that farmers and cooperatives receive the correct payment. In addition to the minimum Fairtrade price, workers and farmers also receive a Fairtrade premium, this goes towards a community or cooperative fund to improve social, economic and environmental conditions. 

What does the Fairtrade Mark Mean?

The Fairtrade Mark is a registered certification label for products sourced from producers in developing countries. It means that the product was produced according to international Fairtrade standards and the products are socially and economically fair and environmentally responsible. Key standards include the payment of a minimum price and a premium.

Why Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is a global movement that seeks to make trade fairer through connecting small farmers and consumers. When companies sell on Fairtrade terms, they act as a link between two ends of the value chain.

Each year we sell over 30 million Fairtrade cups of coffee. With the steady and fair business generated by Insomnia, farmers and workers, from who we source our products, are enabled to improve their working and living conditions. Moreover, Fairtrade encourages environmental protection. Fairtrade standards help small farmers make environmental protection an integral part of their farm management, including reducing pollution, limiting the use of harmful chemicals and finding organic alternatives.

Our coffee is a balanced blend sourced from Colombia, Sumatra, Peru and Tanzania. Each time you enjoy your coffee you are helping to make poverty history for many people in these countries.

Fairtrade certification means that co-operatives get a fair price for their beans, thus allowing them to invest in better salaries, equipment and social projects.

Farmers are guaranteed to receive at least the Fairtrade Price for their coffee which aims to cover their costs of production and act as a safety net when market prices fall below a sustainable level. This Minimum Price also rises with world market prices.


Every year, since 2009, we have taken part in Fairtrade Fortnight, where a percentage from each hot beverage sold is donated to our nominated Insomnia Community projects. Thus far, we have raised over €210,000 for these nominated community projects.

his year we raised an incredible €20,295 which will go directly to our nominated project in the COCAOL, Honduras to provide equipment to create a sustainable and environmental friendly business for honey production and ultimately empower the coffee producers in the COCAOL Co-op.

Want to learn more about our Insomnia Fairtrade Community Projects click here

Thank you, we cannot do it without you!

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Insomnia Coffee Sustainability | Insomnia Coffee Company




Here at Insomnia, we care about sustainability. The social and ecological impacts of our daily business can be extensive. We are aware of this and put every effort towards acting sustainably.  We’ve been trying to achieve this by:

  • Serving 100% certified Fairtrade Coffee
  • Creating annual Fairtrade Community Projects since 2006
  • Rewarding customers for using any reusable cup in our stores through our Treats programme
  • Giving away our coffee grounds for customers to reuse at home
  • Ensuring our stores are improving their energy efficiency with energy reducing lightbulbs, fridges and dishwashers

Coffee & Tea – Fairtrade Certified

Our coffee tastes great (even if we say so ourselves). And isn’t it satisfying to know that it also helps to sustain communities around the globe? Our signature dark roast coffee blend comes from four communities in Colombia, Brazil, Sumatra and Vietnam and our Voyager coffee is a dual-origin blend which comes from Honduras and Papua New Guinea (More on our Voyager blend here). We launched our 100% Fairtrade certified coffee and tea in 2006.

Over the course of a year we sell over 30 million Fairtrade cups of coffee.

With the steady and fair business generated by Insomnia, the communities we work with can build educational and medical facilities, improve water and electrical supply and facilitate living conditions.

Our tea is also certified by the Rainforest Alliance, meaning we ensure that the tea we serve is produced in environmentally friendly and socially responsible ways, and that workers receive good wages, have proper living conditions, and access to education and health care. If you want to find out more about our Fairtrade projects click here.


We have introduced paper straws in all of our stores, and...

We are happy to say that from June 2018 we have been completely free of plastic straws!

 Paper straws are so much better for the environment as they will biodegrade quickly and don’t need to be disposed of in a commercial composting centre. It’s another win for the turtles!


As of June 2018 we were the first Irish coffee chain to introduce compost bins in all of our high street stores. This was a crucial step in our sustainability mission. You can dispose of your compostable coffee cups, tea bags and food waste in our compost bins.

We are happy to accept any other (non insomnia) compostable coffee cup in these bins too.

Our segregated bins have different sections clearly marked to show you where to empty liquids from your cup, where to place the cups for composting and where the recyclable lids and any other mixed recycling can be disposed of.


Insomnia’s number one goal on our mission to sustainability is to eliminate all single use plastics from our stores. 

While most of the plastics we currently use are recyclable, we know we can do our part for the environment by replacing recyclable plastics with compostable or reusable alternatives where possible.

In the summer of 2018 we began trialling the use of glass tumblers for iced drinks consumed in store, in order to reduce the amount of recyclable plastic being used. So far this has been a great success and we've continued to add more glassware to stores for our customers who are enjoying a sit-in iced coffee or ICECAP.


Insomnia’s takeaway drinks are even better when served in a reusable cup, which is why in 2012 we brought in Insomnia KeepCups.

By bringing your KeepCup, or any other reusable cup, into Insomnia you are helping to reduce the amount of disposable cups going to the waste and composting facilities.

As a reward, we will add €0.20 extra Treats Credit to your Insomnia Treats account every time you bring your Insomnia KeepCup or any other reusable cup into participating Insomnia high street stores. You can purchase a 12oz or 16oz Insomnia KeepCup in any participating Insomnia store.


In our daily business we handle pounds and pounds of coffee.

After our delicious coffees have been brewed, we repack the coffee grounds and offer them to our customers for free.

The advantages the used grounds hold for the environment are countless and another great benefit is that the grounds are not added into landfill. Using coffee grounds on plants and gardens is sustainable and beneficial. There are three ways to use coffee grounds on your plants: for composting, as fertilizer and to control pests. 

You can also reuse coffee grounds for beauty products such as coffee body scrubs and rejuvenating face masks. Make a coffee candle, use the grounds to make a wood stain or even to make coffee seasoning. It’s great to know that our grounds can be put to such good use after you enjoyed your favourite coffee and we are happy to supply them to our customers. Pick up a FREE coffee ground bag in any of our stores.


We’re very conscious of the impact of energy usage within our stores and are proactively trying to reduce the amount of electricity wasted. Measures we have taken to reduce electricity wastage include:

  • LED lighting
  • Low energy fridges
  • Ovens turned off when not in use
  • Dishwashers – lower water consumption per cycle


We've joined Refill Ireland’s initiative which aims “to make Irish towns and cities tap water refill friendly for everyone while on the go”.

By the end of this year, all our high street stores will provide water refill stations for customers’ reusable water bottles, again reducing our single use plastic items!

Each store will have a sticker on the window indicating to customers they can refill their bottle inside. The best part is that this will be completely free of charge for the customer and is protecting our environment from bottle waste.

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